Hello out there! This is Viki's sister Caron and I thought I would share my insights on Singapore, but most especially on my beautiful, smart, and multi-talented niece's Reghan Louise and Rylee Jane. In a word, they are perfect... And Viki and Joe are awesome parents! What a surprise huh? I know that Joe had proved it already with Kelsey and God knows they have both had lots of experience with so many niece's and nephews, however it is so beautiful to see this sweet family together. The only thing missing is well...Kelsey! It has really been hard on Joe and Viki not having her here to share in the joy as pictures and words will never do but I will give it a shot. Check out this picture!
I am a little concerned about Joe here...
but he can change a mean diaper!
The girls personality's have been very pronounced from day 1. I have wondered if they will change but I am guessing not. Reghan Louise is a princess who likes things her way. She is our higher maintenance girl who was screaming to high heaven when I first met her in the nursery. She does not care to have her diaper changed, or her clothes changed, but oh my goodness she has the most expressive eyes and already knows how to flirt! And she loves when her Aunt Caron sings to her. Her eyes really light up with joy...I think! Seriously, both babies are so good...it's just that Reghan really likes her needs met ... and quickly!

Rylee Jane is in a word "chill". She is her sister's alter ego until around 11 pm. Then it is party time for Ms. Rylee. She is very alert, (especially at 11 pm), and she is very easy going and well...funny! I swear you can already tell. She smiles regularly and loves for her Aunt Caron to talk to her. She is not crazy about changing her diaper but she deals with it pretty well although she really hates bath time. For someone who had her sister sitting on her neck for 8 months, she is almost always in a good mood. And her expressions are too cute!
In a nutshell, I am in love! They are sdorable and I can't believe I am getting on an airplane in a few hours and won't see them again until they are 4 months old. AGGGHHHHHH! sniff, sniff.
Singapore is such a great place. There is so much to do and I can't wait to bring my husband Mike back to play. We have been to the Singapore Flyer which gives you a great view of the city. Then we headed out with the girls to Sentosa Beach where they took their first ride in a goldola. Check out our Joe, Viki, Mom and Dad and the girls before we took off.
and more of the view.
Last night Joe and Viki took Daddy and me to eat Chili crabs. I had heard so much about them that I was afraid they had been "oversold". They were not. I love them! It is a unique dish and quite tasty. Viki ordered what she thought was fried baby squid and I wish I had taken a picture of what they brought her. We now know that it was the wrong thing but not until after Joe, Daddy and Viki had tasted it. We are guessing that it was some kind or insect as it had a hard outer shell with an almost black sauce. Gross! I am so glad that I stuck with the chili crabs.
Hagen Daz ice cream
And I think you can see from their faces, Viki and Joe are very happy!! I just hope they will come home!
Can I put them in my suitcase?
Well, I am off to the airport in a few hours and I am so thankful that I was able to share in this most blessed occasion with Joe and Viki. God is so very good. I can't wait to come back!
Love, Aunt Caron |