No one seems to talk about this part of motherhood when you are pregnant and dreaming of birds flying around your head and animals singing and following behind you. And then you also get the blissful first couple of weeks of sleeping newborns when you think how lucky you are that you got such good babies that sleep so good. Well, hello week 5!!!!!!!!!! Their senses come alive and you now have this beautiful little being that is on sensory overload or in my case, little beingS. And for a few lucky people, you get to experience colic or reflux although you may not know that is the problem. My sister in law called me and asked if it was everything I dreamed about and to be completely honest, that day was not the day to be asking! All I know is that this happy, little baby girl was experiencing full blown meltdowns that were inconsolable and as a mother that wants to make everything better, you are at a total loss. Then to add to this blissful experience, the other happy, little baby girl decides she doesn't want to be left out so she throws in her full blown meltdown. So two screaming babies for hours at a time, across the world without family to jump in to help give a break. Yowza.
To say the least, it was a rough couple of weeks but it seems we are on the mend. It definitely makes you enjoy the smiles and sweetness of your babies when all is good. I'm already such a better mother and it has only been two days of quiet. My girlfriend here talks about merit badges you earn as you ride this rollercoaster of parenthood and I feel like we have definitely earned the patience badge. Any parent out there that has had to deal with some form of reflux, food allergy or colic understands completely. I feel blessed that I have such a hands on daddy because I'm not sure what I would have done otherwise. So now if you ask me is it everything I thought it would be, my answer is no, it is MORE! I can say even with the hours of crying, I wouldn't trade it for anything. They are incredible and when they look up to you with either that quivering lip or big, happy smile, your heart is so full you can't imagine it being able to hold anything more... until the next day when you wake up to that big smile and you melt and realize you do and it will continue to grow everyday!
Rylee finally relaxed after a VERY long day of tears. |
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Reghan chilled out... her signature pose. |
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Happy babies! |
Love and peace to all! Kiss your baby or babies!
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